Sunday 29 April 2012

Nail Rock Nail Wraps in Tribal Gold

This is the first time that I had tried nail wraps! After putting the very first wrap on my nail I was immedietely impressed! The effect is amazing, and looks like you had your nails professionally done. It did not take too long at all to apply. It took me slightly longer because I decided to use false nails underneath because my true length was too short.

These wraps come with instructions, an acetone wipe, nail file and wooden hoof stick. Basically the kit provides you with EVERYTHING. These wraps are easy to use and the instructions are very clear, however if you do not achieve perfect results on your first try, don't worry because a little practise is needed to get the hang of using these! What I found was that these wraps where too long for even my false nails, so cutting them down with scissors just ruined them slightly. Therefore I would recommend having nails that are the same length as the wraps or that you be patient and practise the art that is nail wraps.

I believe that having that patience will pay off in the end because the results really are remarkable.

I purchased mine from Topshop and Boots. They where £6.65. Are they easier than nail varnish??? For me they are because you literally just pop them on your nail, however I believe it takes practise to achieve the result that you see on the box, or that you are happy with.

I reccomend this for those of you who love unique nails, and who are patient enough to keep at them! I bought my second lot of nail wraps today from Nail Rock in the design Red and Gold Metallic Moon....fingers crossed!!!

Miss B xx

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