Saturday 14 April 2012

Benefit Creaseless Cream in Birthday Suit and Eyeshadow in Raining Men

I went for another make up lesson in Benefit the other day with my friends and I just HAD to show you the results and the products I got. I went to the Benefit counter in Swansea Debenhams if anyone was wondering. I throughly reccomend them because the girls are all so nice and actually want to teach you how to apply these products. They give great advise about makeup and skincare. I have already booked another appointment for after finals! If you regularly read my blog you will know that Benefit (besides Chanel) is my favourite makeup brand. I asked for a dramatic eye, that was different, and a nude lip. And here is the finished eye look! I hope you like it as much as I do.

The products used on ym eyes where a primer (Stay Dont Stray) and Benefit's Creaseless Cream in Birthday Suit and Eyeshadow in Raining Men. I never use cream shadows and Im kicking myself now as to why not! The cream I found to last a lot longer and didnt give me that heavy feel that I expected to have. It really complemented the eyeshadow well. The cream I found did not crease and helped prolong the eyeshadow that was blended in to it. These two colours worked really well together.

For the final touches, A grey kohl lined my eyes to give them more definition. Also Benefit's They're Real mascara was used (which I recently blogged about if you click on the link). Overall I was os impressed I could not leave these two shadows behind!!

As for the colours of the shadows themselves, Birthday Suit is a shimmery Bronze colour and when applied and blended onto the eye, it feels like you are wearing nothing. I think that was what sold me this product. Makeup that feels like a mask isnt my thing. Also a colour such as Birthday Suit can be worn alone or with another shadow blended in (like in the photos).

Raining Men is another shimmery colour. It is a Dark Turquoise I would say with Gold shimmer throughout. It is a velvet eyeshadow that found to be just that! Again this shadow is perfect to line your eyes or be worn alone (but seriously blended out). I recon these colours are a match made in heaven so I dont think I could bear to split them up! However do experiment :) Im thinking Birthday Suit with a nice Brown shadow for the day time. I shall have to let you know how that one goes!

I definetely will be purchasing more colours of these products (when the Student Loan comes in!). You can purchase them at any Beenfit counter or online. The Shadow was £13.50 and the Cream was £14.00.

Miss B xx

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